One little spark
of madness

That's the guiding theme of Luxembourg based running crew FatBetty.Run.Since its creation in 2017, FatBetty.Run has gained a lot of attention, bringing together runners from all over the world and focusing on the social, non-competitive aspects sports has to offer. It’s not about racing or pacing. It's about having some runfun together.Everybody is welcome to join. Put on your favourite gear and join us to conquer the city!

Find out more about crew love and marathon extravaganza in this long-form online interview (originally published in the Rugged magazine):

FatBetty.Run at "Wunderschön: Luxemburg", originally broadcasted on ARD (German TV):


WE LOVE RUNNING!If you do too, let’s have some runfun together.FatBetty.Run is for free. It only costs you a smile.Everybody is welcome to join – and hopefully hang around for a drink and a chat after the run.And don't worry if you pass by as a solo runner. Almost everyone started like this – and became part of the crew on their first run. Betty loves you!We’re leaving each thursday at 18:45 sharp in front of the INDEPENDENT CAFÉ (6 Boulevard FD Roosevelt, Luxembourg) for a 5k and a 10k tour (pace: +- 6min/km / 10km/h).It’s not about racing or pacing. But you should be able to run the 5k in 30 minutes / the 10k in 60 minutes.We have a lockable room at the Indie's—in case you wanna bring changing clothes or have other stuff you wanna stock there during the run. Just be there on a thursday (any thursday 😁) some minutes before 18:45. That‘s it.Hesitate to join? Just try it out.
And you are sold.


There are no regular FB.R Saturday runs – but at irregular intervals there are
- some epic "LONG BETTY" longruns
- some "DIRTY BETTY" trailruns.
So keep an eye on Betty's Agenda if you don’t want to miss any of these. Dates will be announced in due time. And make sure to keep that one little spark of madness alive!Everybody is welcome to join.
Don't worry if you pass by as a solo runner. Almost everyone started like this—and became part of the crew on their first run. Betty loves you!
FatBetty.Run is for free. It only costs you a smile :)

23% —
Hail Fat Betty!

Most of us try to avoid hills, but what's so good about flat? Think about it: flat tires, flat hair, flat returns and the ultimate flatlining.Life happens on the hills. They're opportunities to prove to yourself that you're stronger than you ever imagined. If you never attempt the ascent, you'll never know the thrill of swooshing down the other side.Be a hill seeker—and get your badge(s):
Run Betty 6 times: WHITE badge
Run Betty 12 times: RED badge
Run Betty 23 times: GOLD badge
Only few times a year our namesake is ready to meet and greet you in her full splendor! Check out for the next run:

FatBetty.Run is for free. It only costs you a smile :)


The ING Night Marathon Luxembourg. One big street party in the capital of the Grand Duchy, celebrating thousands of panting and sweating runners on their way through blistering heat and uphill streets.Enovos and the FatBetty.Run Crew is lifting moods at THE UPPER VILLAGE STREETPARTY during the ING Night Marathon Luxembourg. We're situated right on the course—next to the stairs & the tunnel at the Philharmonie Luxembourg on Kirchberg.You're running? We're there for you when you need it the most! You'll get encouragement and motivation at km4,5 (M+HM) / km17,7 (HM) / km37,7 (M). Don't worry, we'll make ourselves heard and this will boost you in both directions! Free Diekirch Beer for all runners on their way back to the finish line included.For all non-runners: Massive Audio & Lights, Confetti & Pyrotechnics—one little spark of madness at it's best! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious dancetunes brought to you by our guest-DJ's. Tasty Food and Drinks by Boonchu.

Find out more about crew love and marathon extravaganza in this long-form online interview (originally published in the Rugged magazine):

Crew Gear

This is your go-to place to check out our gear and make ordering easier.But hey—don’t forget, we’re not Amazon Prime! This is all about “spread the crew love”, not making big bucks.Every single item is made just for YOU (yes, even the ones without your name on it). That’s why there’s NO RETURNS!Of course, if something’s wrong with your order, we’ll get you a replacement that’s 100% right. But a simple “Meh, not my style” or “Oops, wrong size” won’t cut it—because, well, it was custom-made for you.So, check your sizes, choose wisely, and rock your FatBetty.Run gear with pride!The delivery time? Think of it as more of a rough estimate than a promise. We place bulk orders with the producer whenever we’ve got enough orders together—so patience is key!No shipping. Pick-up is only on Thursdays from the green box in the FB.R room at Indies. We’ll shoot you a message when your order is in.

do's and don'ts

🖤 We know, it’s a lot of text—but if you love Betty as much as Betty loves you, take a minute to read through these points. After all, a smooth run is a fun run! 🖤

DISCLAIMER:Participation is at the participant's own risk and no liability can be assumed by FatBetty.Run.It’s not about racing or pacing. It's about having some runfun together. If your main concern is how fast you can go, this is not the right place. But you should be able to run 5k or 10k with a pace of 6.At FatBetty.Run, we respect the traffic laws (“code de la route”)—for your own safety and the safety of the surrounding traffic.If you run with us, you explicitly recognise the above rules.

THE DO'S AND DON'TS:BEFORE THE RUN- Be a hero and please close the green door (the one with the two signs saying “Please close the door” on it)—it’s getting chilly inside Indies.- Getting changed? Great! But please, not in front of the FatBetty room or on the stairs—head around the corner to the corridor instead.- Hooks exist for a reason! Hang up your stuff and avoid turning the floor into an obstacle course.- Even though we lock the room during the run and have installed a camera, we are not liable for the loss or damage of personal belongings.RIGHT BEFORE THE RUN- Late? Don’t be! Making 50+ runners wait isn’t a great way to win friends.- When stepping outside, move to the right or left—don’t create a human roadblock by standing in the entrance area. Other runners still need to get out, and Indies guests need access, too.- Also, bikes exist, and they are faster than you. Keep the cycle path clear unless you fancy becoming part of a cyclist’s braking experiment.DURING THE RUN- Enjoy your weekly dose of runfun!- Do not overtake the “Leitkuh” (our frontrunner). Yes, we mean it. No, we’re not joking. If you can’t handle that, FatBetty.Run might not be the right fit.- Running is great, but not if you’re in your own little headphone bubble. Stay connected to the group.- Red means stop. Traffic lights apply to runners too.- At red traffic lights, spread out to the right and left. Otherwise, we’ll still be standing there when next week’s run starts.- Always run on the footpath, never on the road—unless your dream is to race cars (spoiler: you’ll lose).- Pedestrians exist, and shocker—running in a large group doesn’t give us the right of way. Move aside early. Be respectful!- Pass warnings like “Velo!”, “Poteau!”, “Auto!” to the back of the group. It’s important that everyone hears them.AFTER THE RUN- Close the Indies main door after entering—it’s getting cold inside.- And yes, you guessed it—close the green door (the one with the two signs). Seriously, it’s not decoration.- Getting changed? Please, still not in front of the FatBetty room or on the stairs. There’s a perfectly good corridor just around the corner.- Clear your belongings from the FatBetty room by 8:30 PM at the latest.- And finally—don’t run off too fast! Stick around for a drink and a chat after the run!
